Monday, February 4, 2008

What were you doing in college?

Don't worry, I'm not about to go all-Hillary, all-the-time on you. But I did think this was an interesting speech that Hillary Clinton gave as the student commencement speaker at Wellesley College in 1969. Many of her detractors like to say she's stretching the truth to say at she's been involved in the issues for "35 years." But in this speech it's clear that she's already been very busy learning the issues and getting involved as a college student. And by my calculation that's 39 years.

From the introductory remarks:
... she is a major in political science and a candidate for the degree with honors. In four years she has combined academic ability with active service to the College, her junior year having served as a Vil Junior, and then as a member of Senate and during the past year as President of College Government and presiding officer of College Senate.

Hat tip to Amy for sending me the link. If anyone has a similar insight into Barack Obama's early years, please send it to me, too, and I'll post it here. (But please note, I'm not looking for a memoir of his early years, such as his bestselling books. I'm looking from something he said at the time.)

Hillary Rodham Clinton's student commencement speech 1969

1 comment:

Mauigirl said...

Interesting commencement speech. Ah, 1969...those were the days. I am a bit younger than Hillary, graduated in 1975. But I also went to a women's college, in Boston, so can relate to her in some ways. (My school did some of the same things - tried the pass-fail system, relaxed requirements, etc.)

My husband was at Columbia (class of 1974) and while he was there the SDS blew up the statue of Alma Mater!