Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bush handed first veto defeat. Congress takes baby steps, baby steps.

Subhead: Congress grows a spine!

Well, it's a start. For the first time in his seven years as president, Congress today handed President Bush a defeat, overriding his veto of a $23 billion water resources bill. No, it's no Iraq war funding, but it's a start.

From AP:
[It] marked a milestone for a president who spent his first six years with a much friendlier Congress controlled by his Republican Party. Now he confronts a more hostile, Democratic-controlled legislature, and Thursday's vote showed that even many Republicans will defy him on spending matters dear to their political careers.

The bill funds hundreds of Army Corps of Engineers projects, such as dams, sewage plants and beach restoration, that are important to local communities and their representatives. It also includes money for the hurricane-hit Gulf Coast and for Florida Everglades restoration efforts.

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