Thursday, September 20, 2007

Republican Senators once again refuse to support the troops

I get so frustrated with the way the phrases “support the troops” and “pro-troop” get thrown around. See how I can use it in my title to disparage the Republicans who voted against Sen. Jim Webb's amendment yesterday?

Read the facts for yourself and see who you think has the troops' best interest at heart, and who is playing politics with this issue. From The Raw Story:
CNN asked Webb about Senator John McCain's statement that the Constitution doesn't give Congress the right to manage troop rotations and that the Webb amendment “would create chaos.” Webb replied, “Senator McCain — who I've known for 30 years — needs to read the Constitution. There's a provision in Article 1 Section 8 which clearly gives the Congress the authority to make rules with respect to the governance of ground and naval forces.”
Now take a look at how CNN frames this story with their own headline:
A measure that would have forced the Pentagon to give troops sent to Iraq stateside leave equal to their time in the battle zone was defeated Wednesday evening in the Senate after failing to draw enough Republican votes.
Oh, so the story here is about how the Democrats failed, not about how the Republicans voted against something that would help our troops.

1 comment:

Allison said...

it's so interesting how language can be used to force an opinion without being obvious.. too bad most people don't recognize when it's being done!