Monday, September 17, 2007

The day I brought Buddha home with me

A while ago, I went to the local big box home improvement/garden store on a Saturday afternoon. That in itself is stressful enough. But this particular store is in a large suburban shopping center along with “Bed, Bath, etc.,” “Best Buy,“ and all of the rest — you know the kind of shopping center I mean, I'm sure.

So, I saw this wonderful Buddha garden statue on sale, about a foot tall, and decided he would be a nice addition to my garden. I paid for it and took it out to my car. Since I had only bought some small items, I guess I automatically put everything into the front seat next to me (including Buddha).

As I was navigating my way out of the parking lot, a small car suddenly whipped out of a side lane and cut me off. I had to slam on my brakes, and also did that reflex move: my right arm instinctively stretched out to keep Buddha from flying forward.

I glanced over at my statuary passenger, and in that moment, my rage at the driver who cut me off dissipated immediately under the peaceful gaze of Buddha. That glimmer of a smile, the hands together in his lap, with palms facing upward. Peace and enlightenment.

I drove home with a little small on my face the entire way. And now Buddha sits on my front porch and greets me with that same gaze every evening when I come home.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing

May I beg a small request

With respect can I ask You not to place directly on ground

Ideally Lord Buddha should be placed slightly higher than You when You sit in normal seat

Blessings to You


krazy kat said...

Love the buddha. PEACE

krazy kat said...

I meant to capitalize Bhuddha. Love the Bhuddha.