Monday, July 9, 2007

Join me in turning up the heat on impeaching Cheney

My Representative is a freshman Democrat who won on the same promises as many of the new Democrats in Congress. He said he would hold the Bush Administration accountable, and bring about change in Washington. Well, the freshmen seem to have forgotten why we voted them in. I sent my Congressman, John Sarbanes, the following letter, and I encourage you to contact your Representatives, too.

Representative John Sarbanes
U.S. House of Representatives
426 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-0001

Subject: Cheney Committed Treason, Impeach Him

Dear Representative Sarbanes,

Testimony from the Scooter Libby trial has made it perfectly clear that Libby did not act on his own in "outing" covert CIA agent Valerie Plame. Rather, he acted at the direction of his boss, Vice President Cheney, when he spoke with multiple reporters about Plame. Disclosing a CIA agent's identity — or directing others to do so — is a crime of treason against our nation; Vice President Cheney must be impeached and removed from office immediately.

In addition to this crime, Mr. Cheney:

- Repeatedly lied to the nation about the potential threat of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, provoking the invasion and occupation of that country, with catastrophic results for our nation;

- Continues to lie and distort intelligence regarding links between Iraq and al Qaeda; when such links simply did not exist before our invasion; and

- Continues to threaten aggression against Iran, in violation of the United Nations charter and in a manner that destabilizes the region and harms our national security.
All of these actions certainly meet the constitutional test of high crimes and misdemeanors. So I ask that you join your colleagues in co-sponsoring H. Res. 333, Articles of Impeachment Against Dick Cheney. I look forward to your response to my letter on this most serious of topics.

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