Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD) 65.2%
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) 56.4%
Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) 39.8% (I so did not see that one coming!)
Sen. Joseph Biden (D-DE) 36.7%
Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-CT) 35.4%
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) 28.5%
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) 28.3%
And the saddest statistic of all? Out of 100 Senators, only 11 have made 100% of the votes ....
I think they all have brain hemorrhages...
I thought maybe it was narcolepsy, but you may be right ...
if the vote had to do with a pay raise for themselves or some other financial enrichment, then you can be sure they would all be there voting! it is a very sad state of affairs.
Hmmm. Donald may be on to something big!
It is pretty sad. I was glad to see New Jersey's senators didn't make the top echelon of skipped votes. I'll bet Sen. Lautenberg, who is in his 80's, makes more of the votes than most! He is a real trouper. (Or is it trooper? I never know how to spell it).
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