You may have noticed that I've changed the template here. I'm trying to create a blog that is both informative and visually pleasing for my visitors. As part of that, I thought I'd take the plunge and put my picture up here as part of the re-design.
I began this blog in May of this year as a way to improve my web development skills after taking a new job. I have certainly learned a lot technically, and have also found a wonderful community of bloggers. Sometimes blogging is like being at a rowdy after-dinner discussion. Wit and passion, (sometimes people are just so wrong! How can they not see my point of view!).
I've always enjoyed writing, but posting things for the world to read was a little intimidating at first, to say the least. As I've grown in confidence with my writing, I've been posting at other sites as well. In doing so, I have sometimes felt I was hiding behind a picture. The name, I don't mind. I mean really, Pooky Shoehorn is awesome! It means everything ... and nothing.
So perhaps at some point I'll get something nicer than a web cam image, but for now, here goes!
When I first started blogging back in early 2005, I had no idea there was a community out there. I thought, if one person reads what I'm writing and I influence just one voter it would be worth my time. Then I discovered community and all the other wonderful bloggers out there. But the most important byproduct of blogging for me has to be the simple fact that it is so cathartic. I have had more "there, that feels a lot better just getting it off my chest" moments than you can imagine.
Nice to see you Pooky. :-)
It's nice to be "seen"!
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