Thursday, July 5, 2007

[UPDATED] The Pink-Pistoled Lesbian Gang Menace!

Look out girls! They're on to us!

Bill O'Reilly takes on the breaking news. No, not the public outrage over the President's actions commuting Scooter Libby's sentence. Instead, he chose to spend his airtime covering a ridiculously made-up story about underground "lesbian gangs"who carry pink pistols.

Complete with a phony "Fox News Crime Analyst" Rod Wheeler, O'Reilly reports on a "national underground network" "recruiting" children as young as 10 years old "to be a member of their organization."

AfterEllen takes a good look at the story:

O'REILLY: In Tennessee, authorities say a lesbian gang called GTO, Gays Taking Over, are involved in raping young girls. And in Philadelphia, a lesbian gang called DTO, Dykes Taking Over, are allegedly terrorizing people, as well.

AfterEllen: Yes, and here in my New York apartment, we have regular meetings of LSOC (Lesbians Sitting on the Couch), where we brandish hard plastic remotes menacingly at our television set while cruelly biting down on popcorn kernels. Quick, catch us before we strike again!

As O'Reilly speaks, footage runs in the background of girls fighting. We have no idea who these girls are, where or when this is taking place, or if this footage has any relevance at all to this "story." Unfit to Print looked into the background of crack "Crime Analyst" Rod Wheeler by checking his website (I kid you not!), and found a rather vague and less than impressive career history.

Could it be instead that the "fact checkers" at Fox News (they do use fact checkers, right?) were confused with a real group called Pink Pistols? That group advocates responsible gun ownership by gays with the motto "Armed gays don't get bashed." They don't actually carry pink pistols.

This story is simply riddled with lies and misinformation. We can just laugh at the ridiculousness of it, but if you think Bill O'Reilly and the rest of his hate-mongering buddies is harmless, remember how many people watch this stuff and think he's reporting fact.

Watch it yourself (and lock up your daughters!):

UPDATE: The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has called on O'Reilly and Fox News Channel to apologize for its sensationalized report on a "Lesbian Gang Epidemic." To quote Rashad Robinson, GLAAD's Senior Director of Media Programs, "This type of inaccurate tabloid journalism perpetuates dangerous stereotypes about lesbians and feeds a climate of homophobia, anti-gay discrimination and violence. That's the real national epidemic, but not one you're likely to see reported with such zeal by Bill O'Reilly."

Included in the GLAAD link is contact information to let Fox News know your feelings on their mis-information.


Unknown said...

i'm really hoping the majority of people do what i do. absolutely refuse to watch ANYTHING on Fox news. Don't even pause slightly on the channel, it'll just make you angry.
it's amazing that they actually think they're sounding plausible!

Allison said...

Interestingly enough, Wayne Buckle was actually attacked by 7 lesbians. He was bootlegging in the area and tried to pick one of them up, when she refused he spat on her and they attacked him. They're all serving 6-11 months in jail now.

Sadly, there are violent lesbian and gay gangs around and have been since 2004. They harass people and try to force them to perform sex acts, that much is true. Violence exists among every kind of group of people. I say they just keep reporting the massive amounts of male straight rapist gangs.

The famous "Lesbian 7" were not a gang, nor were they affiliated with GTO or whatever other acronym he used. I can't stand O'Reilly.

I'm not too keen on the link I found for proof, but it seems this story wasn't too highly reported.

Sue J said...

For some reason in 2004 the media started promoting this idea of "lesbian gangs." If you search for evidence of these gangs, all the results come from right-wing sources.

What these folks have done is take the truth about disenfranchised youth who are forming gangs and adding this ratings-getter of lesbianism.

"Ooooh! Girl fight!"

Come on!

Wayne Buckle's story is riddled with lies and inconsistensies. The truth about that incident is that he was the aggressor, and the women are the vicitms in this story. They were jailed for standing up for themselves and fighting back when attacked.

Here are more details on that incident:



There is nothing magical about the year 2004, except that that is the year the rightwing media decided to make up stories that would grab the attention of average America: teh gays and violence.

Allison said...

And this is why I don't watch the news... only the fake news (Daily Show), which provides more real news than the "real guys" anyway.

Have you seen outfoxed? Talk about OUTRAGE! I think the whole thing is available on metacafe.