Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What a week!

I take a few days off and what happens: Gonzales resigns, the Abu Ghraib officer is acquitted, Sen. Larry Craig plays twinkle toes with the boys and yells “I am not a crook gay!”

All of these stories will continue to be in the news in the coming days, I'm sure, so I'm not going to say too much about them today. I'm still trying to catch up at work and at home after a wonderfully exhausting trip to Vermont for a family reunion. The main event was a birthday party for my uncle who's turning 90 this fall. He still plays tennis and golf, and his health is probably due to his fondness for a 15 minute nap every day and a manhattan before dinner, as well a good genes.

Turns out there was indeed teh internets in Vermont, but who had time?! I saw cousins I hadn't seen in years, including cousins from Scotland who I hadn't seen in 23 years, since I visited them when I was in college. So although there was plenty of discussion on world politics, I probably watched a total of 30 minutes of t.v. over the course of 5 days. I checked the blog and saw that all was well, and went back to the party. It was wonderful!


Anonymous said...

welcome back!
glad you had such a good time.

krazy kat said...

I am so very glad you are back in the hood! ;)

Allison said...

welcome back! I love family reunions :D Especially if they're HUGE.

I haven't been paying attention to any news lately either. I was all shocked this morning when I woke up for the 3rd time with heartburn and pregger pain and saw that AG had resigned as the AG, another republican senator is trying to deny that he's not a "perfect Christian" even though he votes that way, and George Bush is basically trying to make the world hate Iran... so don't feel bad. News is heavy and we all need a break.