Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Almost everyone in Pakistan who believes in George Bush's vision of democracy is in prison today

In an interview last night with Charlie Gibson of ABC News, President Bush stated that the general "hasn't crossed the line" and "truly is somebody who believes in democracy."

This is more worrisome than ever, that Bush thinks it's within "the line" to declare emergency rule, fire members of the Supreme Court and arrest journalists, lawyers and human rights activists.

From the Washington Post:

Tom Malinowski, Washington director of Human Rights Watch, said that "it's hard to imagine how the administration will be able to achieve anything in Pakistan if the president is so disconnected from reality."

"Almost everyone in Pakistan who believes in George Bush's vision of democracy is in prison today," Malinowski said. "Calling the man who put them in prison a great democrat will only discredit America among moderate Pakistanis and give Musharraf confidence that he can continue to defy the United States because Bush will forgive anything he does."

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